Wednesday, August 18, 2010

If a virus infects a computer, can antivirus software be loaded after the fact to fix the problem?

Yes. If you need a free copy of AVG Free, head to or

If a virus infects a computer, can antivirus software be loaded after the fact to fix the problem?norton internet security 2008

yes most of the time depending on the type of virus

If a virus infects a computer, can antivirus software be loaded after the fact to fix the problem?spyware removal

The answer is: It depends. Some viruses, spyware and trojans are worse than others.

The best thing is to boot the computer to run the PC software temporarily from a boot diskette (old technology) or a boot CD or a boot DVD. But you would have to build a boot CD with the operating system, anti-virus software, anti-virus signature files, etc. Then when the computer is cleaned, you can re-boot the computer from the hard drive and continue to use it normally.

There are websites from which you can download boot CDs, but it takes some effort to add the full antivirus software.

The next best thing is to try to run the online free anti-virus scan tools, like this one from McAfee:

or this one from Norton:

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